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NU Fertility

ivf or tube reversal _nu fertility

Tube Reversal vs IVF Treatment : Which is the better Choice?

Attaining Motherhood and having children is one of the very important stages in life which a woman comes across. Though Pregnancy and Childbirth can get challenging at times, it is looked forward to as stage of immense significance, by every woman. While on one hand, birth control has become a topic for global discussion, on the other hand, there are many enthusiastic women, in their middle ages, who are looking at exploring options to extend their family, even after undergoing procedures towards achieving permanent birth control.

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Male Infertility

Male Infertility – What You Need To Know

When a couple is ready to get pregnant, it should be the happiest and easiest thing in the world. However, for a large majority of couples, getting pregnant is not so easy. There are a number of complications that can arise, either in the man or woman, that can make getting pregnant extremely problematic.
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ivf misconceptions

Misconceptions about IVF

IVF is one of the most fascinating discoveries of the 20th century. Nobel prize in medicine was awarded to Sir Robert G Edwards in 2010 for this amazing discovery. It has been about 40 years since the birth of the first child through IVF. Over 4 million people owe their existence to IVF. Despite this, many people are not convinced by this concept.

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How does being overweight affect fertility?

what is Obesity?Obesity, in simpler terms well-understood as overweight, is a common term, heard everywhere these days. It has become a global endemic or a wide-ranging problem, so to say and millions around the world continue to face the challenges that obesity continues to throw at them.

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Female Infertility Treatment

Dealing With PCOS Related Infertility

Polycystic Ovary Syndrome (PCOS) is a common reproductive endocrine disorder, affecting about 5% of women. In women with polycystic ovaries, the ovaries are enlarged with multiple small cysts, which are nothing but the immature eggs which are not growing. These ovaries also have thick stroma which produces excessive androgens. They may also have an altered ratio of pituitary hormones- FSH and LH which interferes with ovulation. Excessive androgens are also responsible for acne and hirsutism.

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Era of Viagra - NU Fertility

Penile Implant in the era of Viagra


Viagra tablets (famous as a blue pill) sell like hotcakes soon after its launch in 1998 and completed its 20th anniversary in 2018. It still continues to be the first line of medical treatment for a penile erection problem (Erectile Dysfunction).

Viagra contains Sildenafil, which was initially tested in cardiac trials. It was termed as a “lucky accident” when the nurses in the wards started noticing that these patients’ who received Viagra preferred lying on their tummy with embarrassment to hide their penile erections. It was then more studies were done to establish its role in erectile dysfunction (ED).

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Benefits of Optimal Testosterone - NU Fertility

Low Testosterone (Hypogonadism)

What is low testosterone? 

Testosterone is an important hormone for men. Produced by the testes, the hormone gives men many of their masculine characteristics, like facial hair and a deeper voice. It is involved with sperm production and sex drive. It also contributes to strength, bones, and muscle mass.

Low testosterone, also called hypogonadism, occurs when a man’s body doesn’t produce adequate amounts of the hormone.

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